Fact Check

CBS Is Bringing Back Jay Leno as Late-Night Host?

The contract to bring the star back to late-night television was for $1 billion, a viral post claimed.

Published March 18, 2024

Jay Leno and Jimmy Kimmel ( Getty Images)
Jay Leno and Jimmy Kimmel (Image courtesy of Getty Images)
A viral post in early 2024 accurately claimed CBS had signed a $1 billion contract to bring back Jay Leno as a late-night host to compete with Jimmy Kimmel.

On March 13, 2024, Facebook account SpaceX Fanclub posted an image (archived) purporting that CBS was luring Jay Leno back to a late-night show for $1 billion, with the headline "CBS Secures $1 Billion Agreement with Jay Leno for Late Night Show to Compete Against Jimmy Kimmel Live."

(screen capture)

The post had gained 4,300 reactions and 1,700 comment as of this writing. One enthusiastic user commented: "Hope this is true because Jay was the best EVER! I remember his last show where he cried on air and I admit I did too because I knew it was the end of late night TV!"

The pinned comment on the post linked to an article on esspots.com that posited that the TV station was changing its late-night strategy:

Breaking: CBS Signs a $1 Billion Deal With Jay Leno for a Late Night Show

In a move that has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, CBS has inked a groundbreaking $1 billion contract with Jay Leno, heralding the iconic comedian's return to the late-night television landscape. This bold decision not only underscores CBS's commitment to reclaiming its stake in the late-night ratings war but also signals a significant shift in the network's strategy, betting big on Leno's enduring appeal to viewers across generations.

Unfortunately for fans of Jay Leno, item was not a factual recounting of real-life events. Esspots.com describes its output as being humorous or satirical in nature, as follows:

Welcome to the US page of Esspots (A Subsidiary of SpaceXMania.com specializing in Satire and Parody News), your one-stop destination for satirical news and commentary about the United States of America. Our team of writers and editors is dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest in fake news and absurdity, all with a healthy dose of humor and satire.

The Facebook account that shared the viral post had a similar disclaimer on its main page: "We post SATIRE, nothing on this page is real."

For this reason, we've rated this "Labeled Satire."

For background, here is why we sometimes write about satire/humor.


Anna Rascouët-Paz is based in Brooklyn, fluent in numerous languages and specializes in science and economic topics.