Fact Check

Has Bill Murray Died at 81, Wanting to See 'Americans United Under Trump'?

Another lame celebrity death hoax from the lamest of junk news sites.

Published Feb. 9, 2019

Actor-comedian Bill Murray died at age 81 in February 2019, expressing a wish to see ‘Americans united under Trump.’

On 9 February 2019, the Conservative Tears website published an article reporting that actor-comedian Bill Murray had died at the age of 81, expressing that he "wanted to see America unite under President Trump":

Bill Murray Dead at 81 – Wanted To See ‘Americans United Under Trump’

William Billington “Bill” Murray is dead this evening in his home in Winnetka, Wisconsin. Murray, who left public life a few years ago to pursue a more conservative lifestyle, found out he was dying about three months ago but decided not to make a big deal out of it.

According to his spokesman and lawyer, Art Tubolls, Murray left very simple instructions for his passing:

Bill wanted to see America unite under President Trump and come together to fight against all the things he’s fought against his entire career. When he wrote the movie Ghostbusters he used Slimer as an example of how feeding something causes dependence. Stripes was to teach the average American that anyone can be a hero if the timing is right.

None of this was true: at the time this report was published, Bill Murray was still very much alive and only 68 years old. The report of his death was another fabrication by Conservative Tears, a site which is part of the America's Last Line of Defense network of websites and Facebook pages that pump out a steady stream of inflammatory and politically divisive misinformation under the guise of proffering "satire."

The very same site had published an equally false report of actor Henry Winkler's supposed death a week earlier.


Eagleton, Flagg.   "Bill Murray Dead at 81 – Wanted to See ‘Americans United Under Trump.’"     Conservative Tears.   9 February 2019.

David Mikkelson founded the site now known as snopes.com back in 1994.