
We're on a Stayed-cation

The latest in the legal battle that has threatened Snopes for more than two years.

Published Dec. 27, 2019

Dear Readers,

We want so badly to bring you a win in this endless legal case, but unfortunately, it will be a while before we can pop the cork on that celebration.

After our successful anti-SLAPP motion was appealed by the opposition, the court issued an order staying the entirety of our case pending the resolution of the appeal. The good news is we get a temporary reprieve from the crippling legal fees. The bad news: It may be a long time before we are vindicated.

We will keep posting updates, but we don’t expect to have any news to offer on the subject anytime soon.

Meantime, we’re greeting a new decade more optimistic than ever about our ability to build and sustain the strongest version of Snopes yet.

Inspired in part by our GoFundMe contributors' generosity, we are launching our first membership program, which lets our future supporters contribute directly to Snopes and receive exclusive rewards.

Happy new year and even happier fact-checking in 2020.

Truthfully yours,
team snopes signature

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