Fact Check

Are Costco Rotisserie Chickens Being Discontinued?

We looked into a rumor that hinted at Costco planning to remove its rotisserie chicken product from store shelves.

Published March 22, 2022

Courtesy: Sermoa (Flickr) (Sermoa/Flickr (Stock Photo))
Courtesy: Sermoa (Flickr) (Image Via Sermoa/Flickr (Stock Photo))
Costco is discontinuing rotisserie chickens effective immediately.

Costco is not discontinuing its Kirkland Signature Rotisserie Chicken product, nor is it removing them from store shelves for a temporary period of time.

This rumor first began to spread in online advertisements. One of the ads read: "It's Begun, Costco's Biggest Sellers Gone From Shelves, Effective Immediately." The photograph in the ad showed a Costco employee preparing several rotisserie chickens.

An online ad claimed that Costco was discontinuing its rotisserie chickens and that it was one of the company's biggest sellers gone from shelves effective immediately.
This was misleading.

We clicked the ad. It led to a 24-page slideshow article on the website Moneywise.com. The story claimed that it was written on March 22, 2022, the same day we published this fact check. However, the article on Moneywise.com was outdated and simply showed today's date no matter when a reader visited the story.

The beginning of the article said nothing about rotisserie chickens and claimed that it would reveal "24 things Costco won't sell anymore." However, the end of the first page promised to show "21 things that Costco won’t sell anymore." This indicated that the story had been updated in the past and that the author forgot to update this part of the first page:

24 Things Costco Won't Sell Anymore

These Costco cuts have left lots of broken hearts and empty carts.

Costco often sends members and fans into a frenzy when news breaks of a popular item’s discontinuation.

Some departing products have inspired online petitions, while others quietly disappeared from store shelves or the food court menu.

Once a product enters the warehouse chain's graveyard, there’s often very little indication it’ll rise again. Take some time to mourn and remember Costco items that have come and gone throughout the years — although a few items have disappeared for good reason.

Here are 21 things that Costco won’t sell anymore.

We clicked through all 24 pages in the slideshow article. Costco's Kirkland Signature Rotisserie Chicken product never made an appearance in the story because the company has never announced plans to discontinue it.

An online ad claimed that Costco was discontinuing its rotisserie chickens and that it was one of the company's biggest sellers gone from shelves effective immediately.
A Costco worker prepares dozens of Kirkland Signature Rotisserie Chicken products. (Courtesy: archdeslab/Flickr)

We previously reported on another product that online ads claimed was discontinued by Costco: Dungeness crab.

Snopes debunks a wide range of content, and online advertisements are no exception. Misleading ads often lead to obscure websites that host lengthy slideshow articles with lots of pages. It's called advertising "arbitrage." The advertiser's goal is to make more money on ads displayed on the slideshow's pages than it cost to show the initial ad that lured them to it. Feel free to submit ads to us, and be sure to include a screenshot of the ad and the link to where the ad leads.

Jordan Liles is a Senior Reporter who has been with Snopes since 2016.