Fact Check

Ted Cruz Doesn't Want to 'Netflix and Chill' with You

A fake promotion to "Netflix and Chill" with Ted Cruz has been circulated via Twitter.

Published Dec. 29, 2015

GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz ran a "Netflix and Chill" contest on his campaign web site.

On 28 December 2015, an image purportedly showing a "Netflix and Chill" contest on TedCruz.org, the campaign web site for Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican presidential candidate, began circulating via Twitter.

This image has never appeared on Senator Cruz's web site, however, and the color scheme, headers and fonts on the "Netflix and Chill" contest graphic do not match up with those of the Cruz campaign site:

ted cruz netflix and chill

The Ted Cruz "Netflix and Chill" contest was created as a joke, most likely to mock the candidate's religious beliefs. Cruz, an advocate for "traditional marriage," would like not engage in a "Netflix and Chill" encounter with a random campaign donor because "Netflix and Chill" is basically a slang term for sex:

It means that you are going to go over to your partner's house and f*ck with Netflix in the background.

Dan Evon is a former writer for Snopes.

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